The Dangers of Self-Inquiry

The existential rabbit hole is a journey of no return. Anyone who has stepped into the seduction of self-inquiry realizes that if they pursue this path, their life will never be the same. And so, they are confounded by two options: one, abandon the quest early and swiftly; or, follow it to its bitter end.ContinueContinue reading “The Dangers of Self-Inquiry”

6 Questions to ask before you believe you’re depressed

A chemical imbalance in the brain. A weak mindset. A natural product of our obsession with social media. Whatever you believe depression is, the fact remains that it is one of the most pervasive mental health predicaments afflicting people today. And make no mistake: depression is serious. It is the leading cause of suicide atContinueContinue reading “6 Questions to ask before you believe you’re depressed”

Start Meditating Today: The BEST Resources to Start a Meditation Habit

“We don’t rise to the level of our expectations; we fall to the level of our training.” – Archilochus What is meditation? At its core, meditation is training in awareness. The meaning of the word meditation comes from the same root as “medication”. Medication is used to heal the body. Meditation is used to healContinueContinue reading “Start Meditating Today: The BEST Resources to Start a Meditation Habit”

4 Reasons to do Something New Right Now (Based on Psychology)

We all want to change. And by now, we know that in order to change, we have to start with our mind. So what do we do? We pick up a book, because we know we should start by learning new things. We hope that by expanding our mind, and exposing ourselves to new ideas, we willContinueContinue reading “4 Reasons to do Something New Right Now (Based on Psychology)”

A Liberating Realization that Promotes Perfect Detachment

The real goal is not accomplishing the goal.  The real goal is not to achieve stellar success, to have washboard abs, or to bask in public acclaim.  Haven’t you noticed this by now?  The real goal is, and has always been, to push ourselves to the absolute limits of our potential, every single day. TheContinueContinue reading “A Liberating Realization that Promotes Perfect Detachment”